The Fox and the Grapes 2.0

The sad story of a fox and his unattainable goal.

One day, a fox was walking through a forest when he saw a large bunch of grapes hanging from a vine on a tree. They were ripe and plump, and the fox's mouth watered as he looked on them.

"Oh, I would so love to eat those grapes, I bet they will be sweet and juicy," thought the fox. So he coiled up on his hind legs, and leaped as high as he can, trying to snatch the grapes off the vine. He did not even get halfway.

So he tried again, this time backing off a bit to get a running start, but did not even get close. He tried again, and again, all to no avail.

"Oh, what am I doing?" said the fox to himself. "Why am I trying so hard when those grapes are so sour? I am not so desperate that I need to eat them."

So the fox left, and shared his story on the Internet.

**@pickyfox85[The Picky Fox] I just saw a bunch of grapes in the forest. I didn't go for them, they didn't look ripe enough for me. #pickyeater **@DarkFoxPup12[DarkFoxPup] yeah i saw them too they look terible not worth my time. #notworthit *@SlickFox61[Slick Fox] Ugh, they looked so disgusting, I get sick just thinking about them. #makesmesick **@FoxCub15[Hi! I'm FoxCub15] Wow, I saw those grapes in the forest and they looked soo good! I tried to grab them but I couldn't :( #sadfox **@pickyfox85[The Picky Fox] Aw poor child, you have to develop your sense of taste. Some things are not worth your time. **@SlickFox61[Slick Fox] When you've seen as many grapes as I have you get to learn which ones are worth it. Those were not worth it. *@DarkFoxPup12[DarkFoxPup] what r u a kid? you gotta be choosy or youll look like a tool *@SillyMonkey[Silly Monkey] I got those grapes guys, they tasted sooo good. #sweetandjuicy
If you can't achieve something, find people on the Internet who will sour grape with you.
It does not make you look more pathetic.
Not at all.

fat4eyes 2018/8/22