The Boy Who Cried Wolf 2.0

A story about a little sheperd boy, his sheep, and social media.

Once there was a little shepherd boy who sat on a hill watching his sheep. One day, he got very bored and wondered what he could do to have fun.

"I know," thought the little shepherd boy. "I will cry 'Wolf! Wolf' even when there is no wolf! The villagers will come and it will be fun!"

So the shepherd boy cried "Wolf! Wolf!," even though there was no wolf. Soon, the villagers came with their clubs and pitchforks when they heard his cries.

"Little shepherd boy, where's the wolf?", asked the villagers when they did not see a wolf.

"There is no wolf!", laughed the shepherd boy. "I cried wolf even when there was no wolf to fool you. It's so funny!"

The villagers got annoyed and frowned at the shepherd boy. He took a picture and posted it on social media.

[./svg/crywolf1.svg]*** @shepherdboy35 I cried wolf when there was no wolf and the villagers came! It was very funny! #forthelols #oldpeoplearestupid #shepherdboythings*** @kimmykat7 LOL their faces are so funny! #funnyfaces*** @mikestrong02 old people are so stupid!*** @swolesean95 the babe on the left is HOT! i'd hit that*** @villageboy52 that's my mom!*** @swolesean95 your mom is so HOT! #hotmama***

"Silly boy!", cried the villagers. "Don't cry wolf when there is no wolf!" The villagers turned around and went back to the village.

The next day the little shepherd boy again sat on the hill to watch his sheep. Soon, he got bored and wanted to have some fun.

"I will cry wolf AGAIN, even when there is no wolf!", thought the little shepherd boy. "Then the villagers will come and it will be even funnier!"

So the little shepherd boy cried "Wolf! Wolf!" again even though there was no wolf. Soon, the villagers again came with clubs and pitchforks when they heard him.

"Little shepherd boy, where's the wolf?", asked the villagers when they did not see a wolf yet again.

"There is no wolf!", laughed the shepherd boy. "I cried wolf when there was no wolf and it fooled you again! It's even funnier!"

The villagers got angry and glared at the shepherd boy. He took a picture and posted it on social media.

[./svg/crywolf2.svg]*** @shepherdboy35 I cried wolf when there was no wolf and the villagers came AGAIN! It is even funnier! #forthelols #foolmetwice #shepherdboythings*** @kimmykat7 LOLOL they got fooled again! It's sooo funny!*** @swolesean95 the babe on the left is even sexier!*** @villageboy52 stop talking about my mom!*** @swolesean95 your mom is sexy when she's angry #sexyangry***

"Foolish boy!", cried the villagers. "Don't cry wolf when there is no wolf! The next time you call we won't come anymore." The villagers turned around and returned to the village.

On the third day, the little shepherd boy sat on the hill to watch his sheep. But this time, there WAS a wolf! The sheep ran this way and that, and the wolf chased after them. Soon the sheep were all over the meadow.

"Oh no! There IS a wolf!", cried the little shepherd boy. "Wolf! Wolf!", he cried, "Help! Wolf! Wolf!"

But this time the villagers did not come.

"Wolf! Wolf!", he cried again. "Help! Wolf! Wolf!"

But still, the villagers did not come.

The shepherd boy sat on the hill and cried and cried, and took a picture and posted it on social media.

[./svg/crywolf3.svg]*** @shepherdwolf35 I cried wolf and there WAS a wolf and noone came! #helpme #badwolf #sadshepherdthings*** @supermom76 Poor boy! Someone help him! #wherearetheparents*** @wallmaster64 Why is there no fence!? This should never have happened! #goodfencesgoodneighbors*** @glockman62 This is why everyone needs guns! #stopguncontrol #2ndamendment*** @swolesean95 where's the hot mom? this sucks. #unfollow***
When you screw up, look for sympathy on social media.
It's never your fault.
fat4eyes 2018/7/21